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Data types and Values
Object-oriented programming in JavaScript
Error handling and debugging in JavaScript
JavaScript functions for string and array manipulation
JavaScript Libraries and Frameworks
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Changing HTML Elements

In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use JavaScript to dynamically change the content and attributes of HTML elements on a web page.

Changing Text Content

You can change the text content of an element using the .textContent property.

// Find the element
const paragraph = document.querySelector("#my-paragraph");

// Change the text content
paragraph.textContent = "New text content!";

Changing HTML Content

You can also change the HTML content of an element using the .innerHTML property.

// Find the element
const container = document.querySelector("#my-container");

// Change the HTML content
container.innerHTML = "<p>New <strong>HTML</strong> content!</p>";

Changing Attributes

Attributes can be changed using the .setAttribute() method.

// Find the element
const image = document.querySelector("#my-image");

// Change the "src" attribute
image.setAttribute("src", "new-image.jpg");
image.src = ""

step 2:
let myLink = document.querySelector("#myLink");
myLink.href = "";


Changing Styles

Styles can be changed using the .style property.

// Find the element
const button = document.querySelector("#my-button");

// Change the background color = "blue";

//select all paragraphs and change font-size of the first and second paragraph in the list
let paragraph = document.querySelectorAll("p");
paragraph[1].style.fontSize = "2em";
paragraph[0].style.fontSize = "12em";

As a general rule of thumb, in order to get the style property name in javascript, you
should change the CSS property name to camelCase!:

  • color becomes color
  • background-color becomes backgroundColor
  • margin-top becomes marginTop

Adding, Removing and Toggling Classes

You can add and remove classes using the .classList property.

// Find the element
const element = document.querySelector("#my-element");

// Add a class

// Remove a class

// Toggles a class on/off for an element.


JavaScript provides powerful capabilities for dynamically changing HTML elements. Whether you’re modifying text, HTML content, attributes, styles, or classes, these techniques allow you to create dynamic and interactive web pages.