Course Content
Introduction to CSS course
CSS Syntax
CSS Selectors
CSS Unit of Measurements
CSS units are used to specify measurements for various properties such as length, width, margin, padding, font size, and more.
CSS Colors
CSS provides various ways to specify colors.
CSS Properties And Values
CSS Background
CSS Box Model
CSS Display
CSS display property is used to control how an element is displayed on the webpage.
Typography and Font Properties
CSS Display And Positioning
Responsive Design with CSS Media Queries
About Lesson

Welcome to the world of CSS

Welcome to the world of CSS, where you can unleash your creativity and transform the appearance of your web pages! CSS, short for Cascading Style Sheets, is a powerful language that works hand in hand with HTML to bring life to your websites.
In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the essentials of CSS and explore why it’s crucial for modern web development.

What is CSS and why is it important?

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in markup language such as HTML.
CSS is used to control the layout, fonts, colors, and other visual elements of a web page, and it allows web developers to separate the content of a web page from its presentation.

CSS is important because it makes it easier to create and maintain a consistent style across a website or web application. By using CSS, web developers can define the styles for different elements of a web page in one central location, and then apply those styles to multiple pages throughout the site.
This makes it easier to make changes to the visual design of a website or web application, without having to edit each individual page separately.

CSS also allows web developers to create responsive web designs that adapt to different screen sizes and devices. With CSS, web designers can create different styles for desktop, tablet, and mobile views, ensuring that a website looks great and functions well on any device.
Overall, CSS is an essential tool for web development and plays a crucial role in creating modern, user-friendly websites and web applications.

CSS History And Evolution

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) was first introduced in 1996 by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as a way to separate the presentation of a web page from its content. Before CSS, web developers had to use HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) to define both the content and the presentation of a web page, which made it difficult to create complex and consistent designs.

The first version of CSS, CSS1, was released in 1996 and included basic styling options such as font size, color, and alignment. CSS2 was released in 1998 and introduced more advanced features such as positioning, background images, and tables.

CSS3, which is the current version of CSS, was first introduced in 1999 and has undergone multiple updates and revisions since then. CSS3 includes many new features and capabilities, such as media queries for responsive design, animations, and 3D transformations.

One of the major advancements in CSS3 was the introduction of modularization, which allows new features to be added to CSS without affecting existing features. This has enabled the development of new modules for CSS, such as the Grid Layout module, which allows for more flexible and complex layouts.

CSS has also evolved to support new technologies and devices, such as mobile devices and touch screens. CSS frameworks and preprocessors, such as Bootstrap and Sass, have also emerged to make it easier to use CSS and create responsive designs.

Overall, CSS has come a long way since its introduction in 1996 and has become an essential tool for web developers in creating modern and visually appealing websites and web applications.

Key Points to Remember


  • CSS is used in conjunction with HTML to style web pages.
  • CSS syntax consists of selectors and declarations.
  • Selectors can be based on element type, class, or ID, and can also include attribute and pseudo-class selectors.
  • Declarations are made up of properties and values.
  • CSS styles can be applied directly to HTML elements using inline styles or stored in separate style sheets.
  • CSS has a cascading effect, allowing for inheritance of styles.
  • CSS has layout properties for controlling element positioning and size.
  • CSS3 introduces new features like improved layout control, responsive design, and animation.

That’s a brief overview of CSS. There’s a lot more to learn, but these concepts should give you a solid foundation to build upon.