About Lesson

Building and Running the Project:

To build and run a .NET Core project, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your .NET Core project.

  1. Build the Project:

  • Run the following command to build the project

dotnet build

  • The build process compiles the source code, resolves dependencies, and generates the necessary output files. Any compilation errors or warnings will be displayed in the terminal.

  1. Run the Project:

  • After a successful build, you can run the project using one of the following commands:

  • For console applications:

dotnet run


  • For web applications or APIs:

dotnet run –project <path/to/project.csproj>

Replace <path/to/project.csproj> with the relative or absolute path to the project’s .csproj file. Alternatively, navigate to the project’s directory and run dotnet run.

  • The application will start, and you will see the relevant output in the terminal. For web applications or APIs, you can access them using a web browser or API testing tool.

  • By default, the application runs on http://localhost:5000 or https://localhost:5001 for secure connections. You can modify the port or other hosting options in the project’s configuration files or code.

  1. Test the Project (Optional):

  • If you have written unit tests for your project, you can run them using the following command:

dotnet test

  • This command executes the unit tests and displays the test results in the terminal. It’s important to ensure that all tests pass to verify the correctness of your code.

  1. Publish the Project (Optional):

  • To publish your project for deployment, use the following


dotnet publish –configuration <configuration>

Replace <configuration> with the desired build configuration, such as Release or Debug. The published output will be placed in the project’s bin directory, ready for deployment.

  • You can specify additional options to control the publishing process, such as the target runtime or output directory. Refer to the official .NET Core documentation for more details on the available options.

These steps should help you build, run, and test your .NET Core project. Adjust the commands and options based on your specific project structure and requirements. Make sure to refer to the official documentation for detailed instructions and additional features provided by .NET Core.