About Lesson
- Input Elements
HTML provides a variety of input elements that allow users to enter data into a form. Some of the most common input elements include:
- Text Inputs: <input type=”text”> – used for single-line text input, such as for usernames, email addresses, or search queries.
- Password Inputs: <input type=”password”> – used for secure input of passwords or other sensitive information.
- Checkboxes: <input type=”checkbox”> – used for selecting one or more options from a list.
- Radio Buttons: <input type=”radio”> – used for selecting a single option from a list.
- Select Menus: <select> and <option> – used for selecting one or more options from a dropdown list.
- Textareas: <textarea> – used for multi-line text input, such as for comments or messages.
- Buttons: <input type=”submit”>, <input type=”reset”>, and <button> – used for triggering form submission, resetting form data, or performing custom actions.
Each input element can have additional attributes, such as name (used to identify the input in the form data), value (used to specify the default value), placeholder (used to provide a hint to the user), and required (used to require the user to fill out the input).
By combining form elements and input elements, you can create powerful and interactive forms that allow users to provide input and submit data to a server.