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Inline styles and internal style sheets
Inline styles are styles that are applied to individual HTML elements. They are written inside the HTML element itself, within the style attribute. For example, the following code would set the font size of the h1 element to 24px:
<h1 style=”font-size: 24px”>This is a heading</h1>

Internal style sheets are styles that are stored in the head section of an HTML document. They are written inside a style element. For example, the following code would set the font size of all h1 elements to 24px:
h1 {
font-size: 24px;
External style sheets are styles that are stored in a separate file. They are linked to an HTML document using the link element. For example, the following code would link to an external style sheet called style.css
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css”>

Inline styles are the most basic type of CSS, but they can be difficult to maintain if you have a lot of styles to apply. Internal style sheets are a more organized way to apply styles, but they can be difficult to keep track of if you have multiple style sheets. External style sheets are the most flexible way to apply styles, and they are the easiest to maintain.

Which type of CSS you use depends on your specific needs. If you only need to apply a few styles, inline styles may be the best option. If you need to apply a lot of styles, internal style sheets may be a better option. And if you need to apply styles to multiple HTML documents, external style sheets may be the