About Lesson
Building a Quiz Game in JavaScript
Question: Imagine you are tasked with building a quiz game in JavaScript. The game should display questions, allow the user to choose answers, calculate the score, and provide feedback. Here’s what you need to accomplish:
- Create an array of question objects, each containing a question, answer options, and the correct answer.
- Display each question to the user and prompt them to choose an answer using the
function. - Validate the user’s input and compare it to the correct answer. Keep track of the user’s score.
- Display the current score after each question.
- After all questions have been answered, provide feedback to the user about their performance.
- Utilize functions, loops, conditionals, and scope effectively.
Quiz Game: Test Your Knowledge! – SAMPLE SOLUTION
//script. -- make this a script opening tag // Array of question objects var questions = [ { question: "What is the capital of France?", options: ["Paris", "London", "Madrid"], correctAnswer: "Paris" }, { question: "Which planet is known as the Red Planet?", options: ["Earth", "Mars", "Jupiter"], correctAnswer: "Mars" }, { question: "What programming language is used for web development?", options: ["Python", "JavaScript", "Java"], correctAnswer: "JavaScript" } ]; // Initialize score var score = 0; // Iterate through each question for (var i = 0; i < questions.length; i++) { var userAnswer = prompt(questions[i].question + "nOptions: " + questions[i].options.join(", ")); // Validate user input if (questions[i].options.includes(userAnswer)) { if (userAnswer === questions[i].correctAnswer) { score++; alert("Correct! Your current score is: " + score); } else { alert("Incorrect. The correct answer is: " + questions[i].correctAnswer); } } else { alert("Invalid input. Please choose a valid option."); } } // Provide feedback to the user if (score === questions.length) { alert("Congratulations! You answered all questions correctly."); } else { alert("Your final score is: " + score + " out of " + questions.length); } //script. -- make this a script closing tag