Course Content
Introduction to CSS course
CSS Syntax
CSS Selectors
CSS Unit of Measurements
CSS units are used to specify measurements for various properties such as length, width, margin, padding, font size, and more.
CSS Colors
CSS provides various ways to specify colors.
CSS Properties And Values
CSS Background
CSS Box Model
CSS Display
CSS display property is used to control how an element is displayed on the webpage.
Typography and Font Properties
CSS Display And Positioning
Responsive Design with CSS Media Queries
About Lesson


CSS Box Model Tutorial

The CSS Box Model is a fundamental concept in CSS that defines the properties and behavior of an element’s rectangular box, which includes its content, padding, border, and margin. Understanding the Box Model is crucial for proper layout and positioning of elements on a web page.

The Box Model Components

The CSS Box Model consists of the following components:

  • Content: The actual content of the element, such as text, images, or other HTML elements.
  • Padding: The space between the content and the element’s border. It provides cushioning and adds internal space within the element.
  • Border: The border surrounding the element’s padding and content. It can be styled with various properties like color, width, and style.
  • Margin: The space between the element’s border and adjacent elements. It creates the gap or spacing between elements on the page.

Visual Representation of the Box Model

The following diagram illustrates how the Box Model components fit together:

Box Model Properties

CSS provides several properties to control the Box Model:

Property Description Example
width Sets the width of the element’s content area. .box { width: 200px; }
height Sets the height of the element’s content area. .box { height: 150px; }
padding Sets the padding space between the content and the border. .box { padding: 20px; }
border Sets the style, width, and color of the element’s border. .box { border: 1px solid black; }
margin Sets the space between the element’s border and adjacent elements. .box { margin: 20px; }
background-color Sets the background color of the element. .box { background-color: lightgray; }

Example Usage of the Box Model

Let’s see how the Box Model properties affect the layout of an element:

This is a box element.

Box Sizing Property

By default, the width and height properties include only the element’s content area. However, you can change this behavior using the box-sizing property:

  • content-box (default): The width and height properties only affect the content area.
  • border-box: The width and height properties include the content area, padding, and border.


The CSS Box Model is a fundamental concept in web development that defines how elements are displayed and positioned on a web page. Understanding and utilizing the Box Model properties allows you to control the layout and appearance of your website’s elements effectively.