CSS flexbox layout
The CSS Flexible Box Layout, commonly referred to as Flexbox, is a layout mode in CSS that allows web developers to create flexible and responsive web page layouts without having to resort to complex positioning techniques.
Flexbox works by allowing elements to be arranged along a single axis or in multiple directions, depending on the needs of the layout. The layout can be adjusted dynamically based on the available space and the content within each element.
To use Flexbox, the parent container of the elements to be laid out must have a display value of flex. The child elements within the container can then be positioned using various properties such as flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis. These properties control how much space each element should take up, how much it should shrink or grow when the available space changes, and the initial size of the element before any adjustments.
Flexbox also provides other useful features such as the ability to align elements along the main or cross axis, to wrap elements onto multiple lines, and to control the order in which elements are displayed.
Flexbox is a powerful layout tool that allows web developers to create complex and dynamic web page layouts with relative ease. It is widely supported by modern browsers and is often the preferred method for creating responsive web page layouts.