Course Content
Introduction to CSS course
CSS Syntax
CSS Selectors
CSS Unit of Measurements
CSS units are used to specify measurements for various properties such as length, width, margin, padding, font size, and more.
CSS Colors
CSS provides various ways to specify colors.
CSS Properties And Values
CSS Background
CSS Box Model
CSS Display
CSS display property is used to control how an element is displayed on the webpage.
Typography and Font Properties
CSS Display And Positioning
Responsive Design with CSS Media Queries
About Lesson
Property Values Description Example Usage
position static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky Specifies the positioning type for an element.

  • static: Default positioning; follows the normal document flow.
  • relative: Positioned relative to its normal position.
  • absolute: Positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor.
  • fixed: Positioned relative to the viewport; remains fixed even when scrolling.
  • sticky: Acts like a combination of relative and fixed; becomes fixed within a specific scroll range.
<div style="position: relative;">...
top, right, bottom, left auto, length, percentage Specifies the offset of an element from its normal position.

  • auto: Default value; element remains in its normal position.
  • length: Sets the offset using a fixed length value (e.g., pixels).
  • percentage: Sets the offset using a percentage of the containing element’s dimensions.
<div style="top: 10px; left: 20%;">...
z-index auto, number Specifies the stacking order of positioned elements.

  • auto: Default value; elements are stacked based on their order in the document flow.
  • number: Sets the stacking order explicitly; elements with higher values appear on top.
<div style="z-index: 2;">...
display block, inline, inline-block, none Specifies the display behavior of an element.

  • block: Element generates a block-level box.
  • inline: Element generates an inline-level box.
  • inline-block: Element generates a block-level box that participates in the inline formatting context.
  • none: Element is not displayed; effectively removes it from the document flow.
<div style="display: inline-block;">...
float none, left, right Specifies whether an element should float to the left or right of its containing element.

  • none: Default value; element does not float.
  • left: Element floats to the left of the containing element.
  • right: Element floats to the right of the containing element.
<div style="float: right;">...
clear none, left, right, both Specifies whether an element should be pushed below floated elements.

  • none: Default value; element does not clear any floated elements.
  • left: Element clears floated elements that are to the left.
  • right: Element clears floated elements that are to the right.
  • both: Element clears floated elements on both sides.
<div style="clear: both;">...