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HTML semantic tags

Semantic HTML tags are HTML elements that have a specific meaning or purpose. They are used to describe the structure of a web page, rather than its appearance. This makes it easier for both humans and machines to understand the content of a web page.

Here are some examples of semantic HTML tags:

  • Header – This tag is used to mark up the header of a web page.
  • Footer- This tag is used to mark up the footer of a web page.
  • Article – This tag is used to mark up an independent piece of content, such as an article, blog post, or news story.
  • Section – This tag is used to mark up a section of a web page, such as a chapter, section, or subsection.
  • Aside – This tag is used to mark up content that is related to the main content of a web page, but is not essential.
  • Nav – This tag is used to mark up the navigation of a web page.
  • Figure – This tag is used to mark up a figure, such as an image, diagram, or table.
  • Figcaption – This tag is used to provide a caption for a figure.
  • me – This tag is used to mark up a date or time.

Semantic HTML tags can also be used to improve the SEO of a web page. Search engines can use semantic HTML tags to understand the content of a web page and rank it higher in search results.

If you are creating a new web page, it is a good idea to use semantic HTML tags to mark up the content of your page. This will make your page more accessible, SEO-friendly, and easier to understand for both humans and machines.