About Lesson
Operators in C# are symbols or keywords that perform various operations on operands (variables, constants, or expressions) and produce a result. C# supports a wide range of operators for arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical operations, and more. Here are some commonly used operators in C#:
- Arithmetic Operators:
- Addition: + (e.g., int sum = a + b;)
- Subtraction: – (e.g., int difference = a – b;)
- Multiplication: * (e.g., int product = a * b;)
- Division: / (e.g., double quotient = a / b;)
- Modulus (Remainder): % (e.g., int remainder = a % b;)
- Increment: ++ (e.g., a++;)
- Decrement: — (e.g., b–;)
- Assignment Operators:
- Assignment: = (e.g., int x = 10;)
- Compound Assignment: +=, -=, *=, /=, %= (e.g., a += b; is equivalent to a = a + b;)
- Comparison Operators:
- Equal to: == (e.g., if (a == b) { /* do something */ })
- Not equal to: != (e.g., if (a != b) { /* do something */ })
- Greater than: > (e.g., if (a > b) { /* do something */ })
- Less than: < (e.g., if (a < b) { /* do something */ })
- Greater than or equal to: >= (e.g., if (a >= b) { /* do something */ })
- Less than or equal to: <= (e.g., if (a <= b) { /* do something */ })
- Logical Operators:
- Logical AND: && (e.g., if (condition1 && condition2) { /* do something */ })
- Logical OR: || (e.g., if (condition1 || condition2) { /* do something */ })
- Logical NOT: ! (e.g., if (!condition) { /* do something */ })
- Bitwise Operators:
- Bitwise AND: & (e.g., result = a & b;)
- Bitwise OR: | (e.g., result = a | b;)
- Bitwise XOR: ^ (e.g., result = a ^ b;)
- Bitwise NOT: ~ (e.g., result = ~a;)
- Left Shift: << (e.g., result = a << b;)
- Right Shift: >> (e.g., result = a >> b;)