Course Content
Introduction to C#
What is C#? C# (pronounced "C sharp") is a general-purpose, modern programming language developed by Microsoft as part of its .NET framework. It was first introduced in 2000 and has since become one of the primary languages used for building Windows desktop applications, web applications, and other software solutions on the Microsoft platform. C# is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that combines the power and flexibility of C++ with the simplicity and ease of use of Visual Basic. It is designed to be a simple, efficient, and type-safe language that enables developers to create robust and scalable applications. Some key features of C# include: • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): C# supports fundamental OOP concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, allowing developers to create modular and reusable code. • Type Safety: C# enforces strict type checking, which helps prevent errors and promotes code reliability. • Garbage Collection: C# includes automatic memory management through a garbage collector, which frees developers from managing memory manually. • Language Integration: C# integrates seamlessly with other .NET languages, allowing developers to leverage existing libraries and components. • Rich Standard Library: C# provides a comprehensive standard library that offers a wide range of functionality for common tasks, including input/output operations, network programming, and database access. • Platform Independence: While C# was initially designed for Windows development, it has expanded its reach through cross-platform frameworks like .NET Core and Xamarin, enabling developers to build applications that run on multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Overall, C# is a versatile language that empowers developers to build a variety of software applications, from desktop applications and web services to mobile apps and games, using the .NET framework.
Setting up the development environment
A key component of C# development is the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE). This lesson lets you look into the IDE. You learn how to configure it for C# development.
Basic syntax and concepts (C# Basics)
This topic contains fundamentals of C# programming
Classes and objects
Classes and objects In C#, classes and objects are fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP). They provide a way to define the structure and behavior of objects, which are instances of classes. Here's an overview of classes and objects in C#:
Advanced topics
Certainly! Here are a few advanced topics in C# that you might find interesting:
Project organization
About Lesson

 Input and Output

Input and output operations in C# are essential for interacting with users, reading data from external sources, and displaying information to the user. C# provides various classes and methods to handle input and output efficiently. Here are the key aspects of input and output in C#:

Console Input and Output:


  • The Console class provides methods for reading input from the user and writing output to the console.
  • WriteLine() is used to display output on the console.
  • ReadLine() is used to read a line of text input from the user.


Console.WriteLine(“Enter your name:”);

string name = Console.ReadLine();

Console.WriteLine(“Hello, ” + name + “!”);

// Output:

// Enter your name:

// John

// Hello, John!

  1. Formatted Output:

  • The Console.WriteLine() and Console.Write() methods support formatting options using composite formatting or format specifiers.
  • Composite formatting uses placeholders ({0}, {1}, etc.) in the output string and corresponding arguments.
  • Format specifiers (e.g., {0:N2}, {0:D4}) define specific formatting for numeric, date/time, and other types.


int age = 30;

double salary = 2500.50;

Console.WriteLine(“Age: {0}, Salary: {1:C}”, age, salary);

// Output:

// Age: 30, Salary: $2,500.50

  1. File Input and Output:


  • The System.IO namespace provides classes for reading from and writing to files.
  • The StreamReader class is used to read text from a file.
  • The StreamWriter class is used to write text to a file.


using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(“output.txt”))


    writer.WriteLine(“Hello, File Output!”);


using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(“input.txt”))


    string line = reader.ReadLine();

    Console.WriteLine(“File Input: ” + line);


  1. String Input and Output:

  • The string class provides methods for formatting and manipulating strings.
  • Format() is used for string formatting similar to Console.WriteLine().
  • Join() concatenates an array of strings into a single string using a delimiter.


string name = “John”;

int age = 30;

string formattedString = string.Format(“My name is {0} and I am {1} years old.”, name, age);


string[] fruits = { “Apple”, “Banana”, “Orange” };

string joinedString = string.Join(“, “, fruits);

Console.WriteLine(“Fruits: ” + joinedString);

// Output:

// My name is John and I am 30 years old.

// Fruits: Apple, Banana, Orange

These are the fundamental techniques for handling input and output in C#. By utilizing these methods and classes, you can interact with users, process external data, and display information effectively. Additionally, C# offers various libraries and APIs for advanced input/output operations, such as working with databases, network communication, and graphical user interfaces.